Tiger Importer

Warning: Undefined array key "action" in /vhosts/coil/typo/users/mooffie/public_html/tiger/importer/importer.form.inc on line 56

If you have hundrends and thousands of items bookmarked on Archive.Org, this tool lets you import them into Tiger.

Enter the URL of your (or somebody else's) bookmarks page:

/vhosts/coil/typo/users/mooffie/public_html/tiger/importer/importer.form.inc on line 60
" />

Given here is an example. Naturally, you'd want to replace "Albert Schlef" wih your own login name.

Type the tag to associate the imported items with:

/vhosts/coil/typo/users/mooffie/public_html/tiger/importer/importer.form.inc on line 60
" />


Warning: Undefined array key "with_comment" in /vhosts/coil/typo/users/mooffie/public_html/tiger/importer/importer.form.inc on line 60

For example, if some item has the comment "watched, game show", it will be tagged with "watched" and "game show" (plus the tag you typed above). Tags are separated by commas or semicolons. Tags longer than 25 characters are ignored (as it's likely these aren't really tags but "real" comments). Note: You'll want to fix your comments (on Archive.Org) before using this feature, or else you'll just create silly tags.

Warning: Undefined array key "with_thumb" in /vhosts/coil/typo/users/mooffie/public_html/tiger/importer/importer.form.inc on line 60

Associate each item with its thumbnail image. The thumnails picked are the "heavy" animated GIFs, not the light single-frame that Tiger usually picks; but once you visit an item this gets "fixed".

Filter by date bookmarked

Optionally, you may import only items bookmarked within a certain date range.

From: /vhosts/coil/typo/users/mooffie/public_html/tiger/importer/importer.form.inc on line 60
" /> To: /vhosts/coil/typo/users/mooffie/public_html/tiger/importer/importer.form.inc on line 60
" />

The only valid format for a date is YYYY-MM-DD. Note that the granularity is Archive.Org's rough "7 months ago" etc., so exact dates are meaningless.

Filter by text

Optionally, you may import only items containing a certain text in their title, comment, or ID.

Text: /vhosts/coil/typo/users/mooffie/public_html/tiger/importer/importer.form.inc on line 60
" />

This is a regular expression (which is case-insensitive by default). For example, "\b(day|night)s?\b", "19[56]\d", "^history".

If the boomarks page is huge, you may have to wait a bit after clicking this button.


Known limitations of this tool:

The year of publication associated with the item isn't imported. That's because this meta information doesn't appear on the bookmarks page. Too bad. As usual, once you visit an item this gets fixed automatically.

As noted before, the "With thumbnails" feature links to the "heavy" animated GIFs. You'll have to test and see how your browser loves this.