uclip(1)                                                                       uclip(1)


       uclip - command-line interface to the X clipboard (aka "selections")


       uclip [OPTION]... [FILE]...


       uclip  is  a  command-line  interface to the X clipboard. It either copies text,
       from FILE or from stdin, to the X clipboard, or prints the X clipboard  to  std-
       out.   uclip  supports Unicode and is locale-aware (in contrast to other similar
       utilities).  uclip was written using Qt.

       You can download uclip from:


       If no OPTION is specified, uclip prints the X clipboard to stdout.


       -f, -o Prints the X clipboard to stdout. This  is  the  default  action,  unless
              FILE, '-a', or '-r', are given.

       -t, -i Copies  the text from FILE, or from stdin if no FILE is specified, to the
              X clipboard. Actually, this switch  is  only  needed  when  reading  from
              stdin, because it is implied when a FILE is given.

              uclip  forks and waits in the background serving requests till some other
              application (or another invocation of uclip) takes over the X  selection.

       -u     Do input/output in UTF-8, regardless of the locale. If '-u' is not speci-
              fied, uclip does input/output in the locale's encoding.

       -c     Use XA_CLIPBOARD (the default). This usually corresponds to the text  you
              explicitly copy to the clipboard using your application's "Copy" command.

       -s     Use XA_PRIMARY instead of XA_CLIPBOARD. This usually corresponds  to  the
              text highlighted with the mouse.

       -z     Clear the clipboard.

       -a     Append to the clipboard instead of replacing it.

       -r     Replace the contents of the clipbord. This is the default and is the com-
              plement of '-a'.


       $ wget `uclip -s`
              Assuming you double clicked the URL address in your browser,  this  down-
              loads the document.

       $ /usr/games/fortune | tee /dev/tty | uclip -s -
              Print  a  fortune cookie and copy it to the X selection so that later you
              can insert it into you mail message using the middle mouse button ('-' is
              a synonym for stdin, so it's not necessary to specify '-t').

       $ uclip *.txt
              Copy the contents of all txt files to the clipboard.

       $ uclip -s | uclip -s -t
              You can now exit the application without worrying about losing the selec-

       $ xterm -e links "www.dictionary.com/search?q=$(uclip -s | tr ' ' '+')"
              Open a new window with the definition of the highlighted word.

       :r !uclip
              Type this in VI to paste the clipboard into the buffer.


       The '-display' option is not supported. Do "DISPLAY=... uclip" instead.

       uclip doesn't warn you when it fails to convert between encodings. For  example,
       when  you  do "uclip FILE" in a UTF-8 locale, and FILE is encoded in ISO-8859-8,
       uclip just writes gibberish to the clipboard.


       Mooffie <mooffie@typo.co.il>


       How to copy/paste, or get/set, the X11  selection,  X11  clipboard,  from  shell
       script, scripts.  standard input, output.


       xclip  http://people.debian.org/~kims/xclip/

       xsel   http://www.vergenet.net/~conrad/software/xsel/


       xcut   http://xcut.sourceforge.net/


              (NeXT, MacOS)


       For  an  explanation  on how to use the X clipboard, from the point of view of a
       user and of a programmer, check out:



                                      28 Jun 2004                              uclip(1)